Friday, August 5, 2011


I got pottermore on day 6! You can't even imagine how excited I was!!
The Magical Quill!

Bitch please? Is this question really a need? Srsly?

Mom! Dad! I'm MAGICAL! Told ya! I always know that I am a wizard!

Whoaa!! Really can't stand to wait for the owl that sending me the welcome letter! And I'm as nervous as Albus Severus Potter for the sorting house! #lipbite
Oya! My pottermore username is ShieldPixie! I know that's a cute name ;)
Actually I was thinking about the pixie name and surprisingly this magical account give me the name that I've been craving for! I can't even..!
Since the magical quill had written my name in the book, so I am officially a wizard!

ps. muggle can't handle this.

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